
by Dan Mitrut

Every man hides a constellation
like an ideal woman,
that rises closer to
the instinct of the verse.

With a pipe at chest,
the sky appears over the game,
and the spring begins to revive
the beehives of the Sun.

I just dream another smile,
you just dream another path ...

Copyright © 2003, Dan Mitrut

~ English translation from the Romanian by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe ~

Romanian lawyer and poet Dan Mitrut is the author of numerous works of astronomical poetry, folk music, photography, graphics, sculpture, and drama. A meteor observer included in the International Meteor Organization Data Base, he is a multiple laureate for the astronomical arts at the Cosmopoetry Festival of the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM. He serves as the technical vice president of SARM and has authored original astro-folk music recitals performed at the EuRoEclipse Perseids 99 (Romania) and the IMO Conference 2000 (Romania).

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